Monday, May 28, 2012

Does your relationship Dance in the Rain???

I have a man that loves me for me...all of me...the good the bad the ugly...we both have our faults...but we have learned to dance in the rain... have you??? many of you can say you over look certain flaws your man has?

Respect Yourself....Dont DEAL with Dead End relationships....

So. I decided today that my friend has obviously lost her mind. Keeping one man around who I guess gives her the instant gratification that she craves...but don't we all wish for instant gratification...dont we all wish that it was that easy...nothing to strive for...nothing to work hard for...nothing to struggle thru to get to the other side/better side..

What is the point of getting gratification when you didnt earn it??? You cant appreciate it because you didnt put the work in to earn it. Relationships are VERY much the same.

Like an have to invest your time,patience,common courtesy, common sense, and kindness into a relationship...and a Good investment will return the same...patience,common courtesy,common sense, kindness, RESPECT & PATIENCE...

If your not receiving a PROFITABLE return on your investment (we not talking money/gifts/food/clothes either gold diggers...) then you cash out and move on...if its giving you what you want u keep investing...see how that works???

You wouldnt keep stock that you was loosing money on...So why would you keep a man around that is causing you to lose your mind...friends...potential GOOD Investments...and even though you may still have self respect (in your mind...which is questionable if you stickin with the looser) but other people dont see you in the same light...

No one can respect a person who constantly puts themselves in bad situations...relationships...You keep going a moth to a flame...and the common consensus would be 'How smart can they(YOU) really be to stay in a DEAD END relationship? 

If everyone but you sees something wrong with your relationship....there is probably good enough reason to at least consider the option that maybe they see something you dont...or are refusing to see...or too scared to admit...

either makes you look silly...stupid... gullible...unstable... ho-ish...get it?

IF they dont treat you great ALL the time...kick em to the curb...
IF they dont give you ALL the respect REQUIRED....kick em to the curb...
IF they dont tell you everything ALL the time...kick em to the curb...
IF they dont tell everyone ALL the things they LOVE about you...kick em to the curb...
IF they cant respect your friends and family...kick em to the curb...(that can get tricky...but u know when its right and when its not)

Long story short if you been with someone off and on over 3yrs...give it up...never gonna work...if anything give it a REAL break before you try it again... (not o we not dating...just talking now.....cut all ties and be without each other for a while...not a few days or even weeks...a WHILE...) If you can work it out after the break AWESOME...but if your stuck in a shitty relationship and you dont respect yourself enough to pause and give yourself much needed time to clear your head then your asking for all the DRAMA that comes with the SHITTY relationship YOU refuse to separate urself from...

NO ONE wants to hear about ur problem relationship constantly.... WE KNOW...he/she is a piece of cant stand 'em...but you wont leave em...and you look DUMB...

No self respecting person is gonna continue in a unhealthy act like you care about your damn self so people like me dont have to worry about ur sanity constantly since ur judgement is questionable...

I have never had a super bad dead end relationship i couldnt get out of and stay out it really AINT as hard as your trying to make it out to be...GROW up...and be a REAL INDEPENDENT ADULT....(one that dont rely on other people for money or restaurant food)

I hate that i may have to cut my friend off for a while...i really cant take the stupid things she allows and does to herself no less...
Self inflicted problems...if you hate him like you say....GET RID OF HIM....QUIT BEING NICE...Quit Being a damn food whore... and cook your own damn meals...instead of relying on HIM for lunch...lazy ass...yea i said it...Degrading yourself for food...Seriously?????????????????? PINEAPPLES!!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A thought...

So I was thinking to myself today while watching my soaps :) and I see a couple who didn't marry for love about to go through some ugly things...

How many women would actually marry for money/status/power?

I honestly don't think i could, I am to much of a romantic at heart. And i would rather live in a cardboard box with the love of my life(which im pretty sure i have found thankfully :}) than to live in a mansion and be tied to a man i could not stand...

No amount of money could fill the need i would have for affection and companionship. So if anyone is out there interested in such matters...

Would you marry for Money/Status/Power?

The Start of a Great thing...

Hello all my new readers...
I have had an interest in helping people. I want to help in anyway possible, So since I am not big on the blog scene just yet I'm learning all about it. 

But let me start off by saying...I have been blessed in this life to have always had great relationships...and needless to say I have a great sex life. 

To me those are two very important things in any ones life. Lots of friends of mine come to me for advice...and my intuition is immaculate at times for me to see whats going on.

I am a great judge of character...And VERY detail oriented...I notice the smallest things that most people don't even consider when making decisions.

So I have decided to start this to lend my opinion to anyone interested in it. So i take Questions...I give tips...I can be that outside person looking in to help evaluate any situation you may be pondering in your life(regarding sex and relationships that is :} )

With that said...I am curious...Do you thing you have the greatest thing you could get right now? IF you say yes...why is it are u planned to keep it great...and are you sure you couldnt do better?